Teeth Cleaning with Stephanie at Fur Do's, Scarborough
NEW AND HERE NOW! Tooth cleaning and Tartar removal for your dog, no anaesthesia!
Teeth cleaning using ultrasonic technology and no anasethia required!
This ultrasonic technology helps get into the gums and plaque, which helps keep your dogs teeth healthy.
No discomfort
No stress
No vibration
No noise
No anaesthesia
Why ultrasound teeth cleaning?
Looking after your dogs’ teeth and gums can prolong your dog’s life by up to two years. It can further prevent periodontitis.
The ultrasound works alongside tasty ultrasound toothpaste making lots of nano bubbles to remove plaque, tartar and bacteria, which in turn helps reduce bad breath and also helps the re-growth of receding gums. The dental tartar you see building up on your dog's teeth is about 80 percent bacteria and it inflames and damages the gums, the bone beneath, and the ligaments that hold teeth in place.
What dogs are not suitable for teeth cleaning?
Dogs with rotten or decaying teeth
Dogs with wobbly teeth
Dogs with gum disease
Aggressive dogs (regarding their teeth being touched)
***This list is not extensive. If your groomer feels this treatment is not suitable for your dog, they will cease the teeth cleaning session.